Overlooking Friendship Botanic Gardens
Environmental Health
Only 34 properties in Town of Pottawattomie Park are in the Michigan City Sanitary District.
Download “Properties in Michigan City Sanitary District” >
Septic System Cloggers:
Cat Litter
Cigarette Filters
Coffee Grounds
Feminine Hygiene Products
Flushable Wipes
Septic System Bacteria Killers:
Household Chemicals
For more information, please visit https://www.epa.gov/septic >
LaPorte County Solid Waste District
2025 Household Hazardous Waste Collection
Michigan City
Marquette Mall West Parking Lot
• Saturday, July 12, 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
Batteries, fluorescent bulbs, oil-based paint, sharps, medications
• Saturday, October 18, 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
Batteries, fluorescent bulbs, oil-based paint, sharps, medications
Spend a little time on the Solid Waste District of LaPorte County website
and learn A LOT…
Solid Waste District of LaPorte County
…like how to be a better recycler!
Find helpful recycling information in Recycling 101 >
The good health of our environment is a concern for all of earth’s citizens given that it’s the only planet we’ve got to live on—so far. Here in Town of Pottawattomie Park we have responded to State and Federal environmental health oversight as reflected in our MS4 permit status.
We are committed to ensuring that the septic systems that operate within the Town are functional and safe.
Water Quality
EPA Technical Assistance Memorandum | June 2024 >
Receiving Waters Testing Summer of 2021 >
Stormwater Runoff
ToPP MS4 Annual Report | 2023 >
Septic Systems
Currently, 74 households in our neighborhood have septic systems that vary as to age and condition. All homeowners are expected to know and understand the condition and functionality of their home’s septic system and manage it accordingly. Please review these “EPA” guidelines: Download “A Homeowner’s Guide to Septic Systems” >
As a general guideline, septic tanks should be pumped every three to five years.
See registered septic system maintenance service providers in the list of registered contractors >.
If you need information about the system on your property, in general, the LPCHD has records of septic drawings from July 1979 to present.
The LaPorte County Health Department requires a permit for New Residential Construction AND for Repairs. The procedure is essentially the same for both, with each requiring the following documentation:
1) A soil report prepared by a Registered Soil Scientist
2) A completed Application Residential Septic System form
Find more detailed procedural information here: Procedure for Septic Permit
“…all residential septic systems in La Porte County are designed, installed, and inspected in accordance with ISDH Rule 410 IAC 6-8.3 Residential Onsite Sewage Systems and Local Ordinance 2012-01.”
Trash Pickup
Trash pickup service is provided by the Michigan City Sanitary District to thirty-six households on the south side of the Town, since they are on the Michigan City sewer system. Please see PDF for addresses tied into this system.
Download “Properties in Michigan City Sanitary District” here →
At this time, there is NOT a single trash pickup service provider for the remaining 74 households not on the Michigan City sewer system, so homeowners should select the service that works best for them. See list of the service providers currently operating trash pickup services in ToPP.
Republic Services
Lakeshore Recycling & Disposal
LRS Recycling & Disposal Services
The Solid Waste District of LaPorte County, 2857 West State Road 2, LaPorte, IN, administers our county’s recycling program through a contract with their service provider of choice, currently Borden out of Elkhart, Indiana. Town of Pottawattomie Park property owners pay for this service through their property taxes. If you have any questions about Borden’s recycling service, email: customersupport@wasteawaygroup.com, or call: (219) 326-0014
Our Town’s pick-up day is alternate Tuesdays. Service is delayed by one day following these holidays in 2025:
New Year’s Day
Memorial Day
Labor Day
Add the schedule to your e-calendar:
Solid Waste District of LaPorte County.
Recycling Checklist
Recycling cart should be available from 5:00 a.m – 6:00 p.m. on pickup days.
Recyled material should be placed into the cart loose. No bagging.
Cart should be placed within 4 feet of the roadside and at least 4 feet away from other objects.
Cart lids should open towards the road, and should close completely. Overflowing carts cannot be serviced without the possibility of spills.
Do not leave boxes or other recyclables outside of your cart.
Do not put tires, electronics, freon items or food items into your recycling cart.
Please contain papers to prevent littering.
Minimize odor by periodically cleaning your cart with bleach or pool shock.
If your pickup is missed, please leave toter out and call the recycling office within 24 hours at (219) 326-1425.
If you move, PLEASE DO NOT take the toter to your new address. If you do not have a toter, please call the recycling office.
Asbestos All Around Us
Even in 2024, asbestos products can still be found in the buildings, ships, and vehicles we encounter daily. Houses built between 1930 and 1950 may have asbestos insulation. Asbestos may be present in textured paint and patching compounds used on wall and ceiling joints. Artificial ashes and embers sold for use in gas-fired fireplaces may contain asbestos. The use of materials containing asbestos was banned in 1977 but the products remain in place.
If these products are not recycled or disposed of, those nearby can be exposed to dangerous asbestos fibers. Asbestos can be recycled but it must be removed by professionals who are properly trained to dispose of it. For more information about the concerns associated with asbestos exposure and how to handle and dispose of the materials containing it, please visit: https://www.mesotheliomahope.com/asbestos/recycling/
Mesothelioma Hope provides detailed information about mesothelioma and its health impacts.